Well, Winter is almost about to wrap up. Likely we'll have a few more intense snow days, but we know that soon every cliche that comes with Spring (birds chirping, flowers popping) will be fast upon us. Obviously, for all of us gardeners, this is a highly energized time, and one that, retrospectively, always goes too quickly. Since Sunnyside Shared's last year, we've been quietly working on ways to expand our garden and provide more ways for more individuals to benefit from local produce. Aiming for punctuality, Sunnyside Shared will be hosting a potluck this Thursday to discuss our plans and expansions before Spring and Summer are completely upon us.
We invite anyone to join us, whether they be a constant gardener or a bumbling new one. Please come to 2102 5th Ave NW @6pm for a potluck and share in our garden planning. We'd like to discuss our aims for 2013, plans for expansion, what to plant and who will organize it, as well as a good method of communication for our fellow gardeners.
Hope to see you there,
Sunnyside Shared